Album Cover Analysis: Michael Jackson: Bad

The pursose of analysing album cover was to help us understand the features on album covers that make them stand out to the audience. This would help us when we would create our own covers as part of our coursework.

Michael Jackson- Bad : Album Front Cover

- The colour scheme on this album cover is simple and plain
- The cover does not look complicated
- The artist shows attitude through his facial expressions, also by showing his fist clenched.
- It is obvious that the artist is the main focal point in this cover as everything else included does not seem to stand out as much as he does, apart from the name of the album 'Bad' which is shown in a different colour to the rest of the text.
- I thought that the possible reason for the album looking very simple could be because the artist is already a well known artist. Therefore it is possible that he does not need to focus much on presenting the album cover to attract audiences so much, the artist is what makes the album cover and attracts the audience.

Back Cover:

- The back is even more simple the the front
- White and black colour scheme is used
- Another picture of the artist, main focal point