Coursework Assessment Criteria

In this lesson we looked at music videos made by other students like we will be doing for this coursework and we analysed them.

Fantastic Six

Good things in the video:
- The camera shots and angles were good
- The editing was also good
- The lighting looked professional
- The group was creative with their video, it was different and unique

Possible Improvements:
- Some of the shots were blurry, like in the super market. It looked like different cameras where being used. Group could have reshot.
- lip syncing was slightly slow, could have reshot or edited better.

My Neighbours House

Good things in the video:
- Good editing and special effects
- Good lip syncing
- Camera was still
- High angle shots of guitar was different and good

- Sometimes the camera was in one place which got boring after a while, they should move the camera and the shots around quicker.
- The zooming in and out was not that steady


Good things about the video:
- There were many special effects in the video
- The screen was split into 4
- It was different to other videos made
- The lighting was good
- Enigma codes

- The use of split screen made it confusing at which screen to look at
- The use to text on the screen made it even more confusing