Analysing Album Covers and Magazine Adverts

The following are digipak covers from British artist that have music in a similar genre to 'Breathe Easy'. I have analysed them and noticed certian features that are similar on all of them.

Alesha Dixon Album Cover Front and Back

Leona Lewis Album Front and Back Cover

N Dubz Album Front and Back Cover

From analysing these Digipaks I have noticed that the main features seem to be:

1) An image of the artist
2) A title of the artist names, usually big and eye catching
3) The album title
4) Track names on the back of the cover
5) A barcode
6) Some information on the album at the bottom with small text usually stating whats also inside the album and the official website of the artist
7) Possible the artist name and album name on the back cover as well as the front

Below is an advert we have found from an RnB male artist. The artist is American, however it is still useful to look at the advert and deconstruct it. I think this will help my group as when we make our magazine advert we know what to include and how things should be presented. However we need to be creative and consider the fact that our artist is British when doing this.

Chris Brown

By looking at this advertisement I have noticed that the main features include:
- Artist name
- Names of album or track released
- Image of the artist
-'In stores now'